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Practice wherever you are

This is a comprehensive on-demand library of classes – ranging from short and free invigorating sun burst sun salutes and quick tutorials, to full length vinyasa classes (including some level 1 classes), and gentle flow and restore sessions. There’s also a growing number of courses and workshops on offer. Have a browse through and I hope you find what you’re looking for…

How do I filter the video library to find what I'm looking for?

Please use the filters below to select a broad category.

Once you have selected a video, you will be able to apply more filters for class focus points – like ‘hips‘, ‘backbends‘, ‘twists‘ or ‘shoulders‘, or class themes (often part of a series) – like ‘Breath, prana, prana vayu’.

How do I get access to full length classes?

Short classes under 40mins: free
60 – 75min classes: £5 for 1, £20 for 5, £30 for 10
120min workshops: £7

Concessions are available – please just email me.

Click on the ‘Purchase full class’ button on the right of each class page. Within the purchasing form, you can also select to buy a bundle of classes and specify respective class numbers.

Once I receive payment, I’ll send you the link to the full class. You can then enjoy the class or workshop as often as you like. Please don’t share these link with anyone else. We’re all trying to pay the bills, and I do offer concessions with no questions asked…

How do I keep myself safe?

I’m delighted if you can benefit from these practices, and I want to make this a safe space. This also includes that – just like I do in my regular classes – I offer modifications that are more challenging and not suitable for everyone. Please keep yourself (and your furniture) safe! You have the privilege and the responsibility to look after your own health and wellbeing. Rest whenever you need to.

Please listen to my voice, more than looking at the screen to keep your neck happy. You may prefer to position your screen towards the top left corner of the mat – which might give you the easiest view most often :).

If you are at all unsure whether these practices are suitable for you, please don’t participate. Just as a little disclaimer, please note that by participating in these classes you agree that you do so at your own risk, and assume all risk of injury to yourself. You agree to release me of any claims or causes of action known or unknown arising out of these sessions.

I welcome any feedback or questions – please email me.

Pre-recorded online courses

Activate + Release: Neck, shoulders, back

4 x ~70mins course

Activate + Release: Hips, legs, feet

4 x ~60mins course

5 elements course

8 hour yoga and meditation course

Cultivating presence course

3.5 hour meditation course

Principles of alignment course

4 x 60mins course

Classes, workshops, tutorials

Yoga for a healthy back

FREE, 36mins

Yoga for healthy knees and open hips

FREE, 37mins

Active strengthening backbends and variations of ashtanga namaskar

60min vinyasa flow

Parsva kakasana – side crow pose


Fire and air – twists and backbends

60min vinyasa flow

Finding balance

60min vinyasa flow

Moving from all fours… – Creative Play

15min creative play

Continuous hip and hamstring opening flow towards vishvamitrasana

60min vinyasa flow

Journey towards standing sundial pose – surya yantrasana

60min vinyasa flow

Kakasana – crow pose


Creating mobility and stability for wrists, shoulders, hamstrings

60min vinyasa flow

A playful approach progressing towards ardha bakasana

60min vinyasa flow

Gentle flow and restore – safety, satisfaction, connection – part3

60min gentle flow & restore

Gentle flow and restore: safety, satisfaction, connection – part2

60min gentle flow & restore

Gentle flow and restore: safety, satisfaction, connection – part1

60min gentle flow & restore

A journey towards koundinyasana I + II, with some interesting balances thrown in

60min vinyasa flow

Letting go of clinging and going with the flow

75min vinyasa flow

A journey towards splits with hamstring stretches and strengtheners

60min vinyasa level 1

A journey towards splits with hamstring stretches and strengtheners

60min vinyasa flow

Play with stability and mobility for the whole body – Creative Play

23min creative play

I also offer a free audio library of guided meditations and guided relaxations / yoga nidra